The Trinity University Research, Innovation and Development is instituted to provide a platform for Sustainable Capital and National Development. It places emphasis on Entrepreneurship, Academic Excellence, Professionalism, Innovation and Community Impact.
TUDRID is constituted to foster a close tie between the academia and the industry with a view to developing solutions to the myriads of challenges facing the industry; integrating entrepreneurial education into the curricular of the University; and creating startup parks where Faculty, Staff and Students can innovatively exhibit their ingenuity by developing products and patents for Human and National Development.
- Vision
To be the solution hub to the technological, political, scientific and socio-economic needs of Nigeria and the developing nations in general.
- Aim and Objectives
To formulate policies and oversees the implementation of the research activities of the University towards achieving Global, Continental, and National development agendas
The specific objectives include amongst others:
- To be the Solution-hub for addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the African Agenda 2063 and Vision 20:2020 of the Federal Government of Nigeria.
- To create knowledge and promote innovative approach to conducting research in all fields of human endeavour.
- To provide avenues for regular dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge among scientists, researchers, industries, trades, services and other bodies.
- To provide avenues for fostering a close tie between the Academia and the Industry.
- To provide a platform for Patent Registration, Product Commercialisation and establishment of Cottage industry.
- To create research Clusters/Centres in the University and nurture them towards becoming Global Centres of Excellence
- To advise Management on Conference support, Journal publications and Product Development.
- The Structure of the Directorate
The Directorate shall have Four Units, namely:
- Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Unit
- Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Unit
- Commercialization Unit
- Publications and Conference Supports
- The Research Park Unit
The primary purpose of this Unit is to meet the needs of the Industry, foster closer relationship between Town and gown, herald new inventions for the consumption of the industry.
The Research Park Unit shall develop a framework for interfacing with the industry. This Unit shall also ensure regular business breakfast/lunch meetings where issues of mutual interests are discussed.
The Park shall coordinate technology-based startups and business incubation centres to stay in close proximity to the University for mutual engagements that turn ideas from the laboratory to products in the marketplace.
- Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Unit (IPTTU)
The IPTTU shall act as the Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Office (IPTTO) for the University. It shall be the patenting office for Inventions and Products from the University and other research institutes and individual researchers.
- The Commercialisation Unit
Arising from the IPTTU and the Research Park Unit, this unit shall be responsible for negotiating and creating Commercial avenues for all the products of the University. Also, it shall work in tandem with the Trinity University Consult to create
investment-friendly policies in the interest of all parties.
Download here: Trinity University Directorate of Research, Innovation and Development (TUDRID)