The Trinity University Chaplaincy ensures that both staff and students are regularly and properly nourished with the word of God which helps to mold and sustain lives of the students and staff. This Unit drives with passion the core values this University is known for. The Chaplaincy Unit is coordinated by the School Chaplain and is in charge of the following:
The Chaplaincy Unit is coordinated by the School Chaplain and is in charge of the following:- Staff Spiritual Retreat
- Evangelism
- Evangelism
- Inauguration of Chapel Executives
- Spiritual growth of both staff and students
- Welfare Unit
- Ushering Unit
- Technical Unit
- Ushering Unit
- Mission Trips
- Sanctuary Unit
- Counselling/Support Unit
- Spiritual aspect of the University’s programme such as soul-enriching and soul uplifting devotions ( morning and evening).
- Christ centered programmes etc
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- Chapel attendance is mandatory or all students. All students SHALL maintain decorum during Chapel services.
- Students MUST be on their seats at least fifteen minutes prior to the beginning of the service.
- Provisions shall be made for the signing of attendance in the Chapel.
- Excuses from Chapel services require a written permission from the office of the Dean, Student Affairs. In addition, Class trips, College/Departmental sponsored activities and emergency cases are excusable absences. Also, students with health challenges who are unable to attend any University general assembly SHOULD report to the Hall Porter/Warden and proceed to the University Health Centre for medical attention.
- Dress code MUST be strictly observed.
- No distraction of any kind SHALL be tolerated. Movements in and out of the Chapel and along the walkway during services are not allowed.
- All students MUST obey and take instructions from Chapel officials.
- All students MUST obey and take instructions from Chapel officials.
- Students MUST attend Chape services with their Bibles and writing materials.
- Loitering of students around the University Chapel, Hall of Residence and Cafeteria in the course of any assembly is strictly prohibited.