Got questions?

There are three distinct steps when applying to Trinity University using our Portal System:

Step 1: Register and complete an online application form. This is done by clicking the ‘Apply Now’ on portal Home page. 

Step 2: After you have submitted your application, you will be prompted to wait for your admission approval by the University Admission Officer though you would have received a confirmation email about the successful submission of your application form with the details of your logging-in credentials (Applicant Id and Password).

Step 3: Once your application has been approved you will be able to log-in into the Applicant Portal system with your login credentials (i. e. 234 your applicant Id and Password). Then click on 'Applicant Portal' on the portal Home page.

Once you have submitted an online application form, you cannot update or amend your personal details by accessing the online application again. You can make changes (Profile editing) by loging into the Applicant Portal after your admission has been approved. 

For access to the Applicants Portal Area, you should have received a confirmation email immediately after you submitted your online Admission Application form. If you did not receive the email, you can contact the Portal Support by clicking here.

We are happy to tell you that this admission application process takes less than an hour to complete provided you have all the required documents etc. readily available.

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